Learn how to install your own Bitcoin Node with Oliver Velez

You are attracted to the idea of ​​investing in Bitcoin.

Well, I have over 3,000 Bitcoiners ready to create and run their own Bitcoin nodes.

I will be running a massive node creation day together with experts ready to guide you all through the process.

We are going to considerably increase the security and decentralization of the Bitcoin network, and at the same time we will be generating independence and sovereignty for all the people who participate.

If you are here it is because you have given yourself the opportunity to go beyond your fears and believe me when I say that I applaud that.

You are looking for information to make the best decision and, if you wish, I will accompany you to do it

Why invest in Bitcoin?

  • Bitcoin represents less than 1% of the world's value and still has the best record of any asset in history of mankind
  • Bitcoin has been rising over 200% a year for the last 12 years, which means it doubles every six months
  • Bitcoin is programmed to be the rarest asset the world has ever seen
  • There are 8 billion people in the world, but only 21 million Bitcoin. This limited supply suggests its prices will continue to rise over time
  • More than 8,000 attempts to dethrone Bitcoin have failed
  • Bitcoin is easy to transport, infinitely divisible, unconfiscatable and it is the only asset that has never gone down or been hacked.

If you are ready to be your own bank, I want you to participate in this great event

If you want to enter the world of Bitcoin, I will teach you how to do it.​

I am the author of 5 books which sell in 5 different languages. For 26 years, I´ve given speeches and seminars that have been attended by millions of people and I´m regarded as one of the pioneers of the active trading industry. Despite all this, I want to give you three simple reasons why you can trust me:

  • I am the only trader with over 35 years of trading experience who shares his own technical principles for investing in Bitcoin.​

If someone with over three decades of experience served as my guide and mentor back in the 1980s, I think my path to trading success would have been shorter and much easier.

That’s what I’m offering you today.  

"Installing your own node for Bitcoin"


How to create your own node

How to contribute to the stability of the Bitcoin network

How to configure your own node

How to contribute to the improvement of the Bitcoin network

How to improve your own security

How to help decentralization

👉Install your own Bitcoin Node with Oliver Velez👈

LIVE event

Sunday September 26

9:30 am New York Time

$ 27 One Time
  • Live event
  • Learn how to create your own node
  • Learn how to contribute to the improvement of Bitcoin
  • and much more

Do you have any doubts? Let's solve it!​

Through the access platform to the course, you can pay by credit card and/or crypto

Yes. Get in touch with us directly through the following whatsapp numbers: +573127952251 and +573057261926

We take BTC, ETH  and USDT

See you at this great live event, it will be a session that could change your life forever

$ 27 One Time
  • Live event
  • Learn how to create your own node
  • Learn how to contribute to the improvement of Bitcoin
  • and much more

*Legal Notice: “All the strategies and investments involve risk of loss. None of the information found in this product should be interpreted as an investment advice and as a guarantee of results”